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Integral cross sections for the associative ionisation to form CO2+ and N2O+

X. Urbain, A. Le Padellec, E.M. Staicu-Casagrande, T. Nzeyimana and E.A. Naji

J. Chem. Phys à soumettre ArtCit Endnote



Excitation, ionisation, neutralisation and anionic production in collisions of C+, N+ and CnN+ molecules (n = 1 - 3) with He atoms at 2.2 a.u velocity; cross sections and dissociation branching ratios

T. Mahajan, K. Béroff, B. Pons, C. Illescas, M. Chabot, T. IdBarkach, T. Launoy, A. Le Padellec, A. Jallat, A. Jorge, N.F. Aguirre and S. Diaz-Tendero

J. Phys. B, 52(19), 195204, (2019) ArtCit Endnote


Break down curves of CH2(+), CH3(+) and CH4(+) molecules. I. Construction and application to electron collisions and UV photo-dissociation

T. IdBarkach, M. Chabot, K. Béroff, S. Della Negra, J. Lesrel, F. Geslin, A. Le Padellec, T. Mahajan and S. Díaz-Tendero

Astron. Astrophys., 628, A75, (2019) ArtCit Endnote




Semiempirical breakdown curves of C2N(+) and C3N(+) molecules ; application to products branching ratios predictions of physical and chemical processes involving these adducts

T. IdBarkach, T. Mahajan, M. Chabot, K. Béroff, N.F. Aguirre, S. Diaz-Tendero, T. Launoy, A. Le Padellec, L. Perrot, M. Bonnin, K.C. Le, F. Geslin, N. de Sereville, F. Hammache, A. Jallat, A. Meyer, E. Charon, T. Pino, T. Hamelin, V. Wakelam

Molec. Astrophys., 12, 25, (2018) ArtCit Endnote



Investigation of critical parameters controlling the efficiency of associative ionization

A. Le Padellec, T. Launoy, A. Dochain and X. Urbain

J. Phys. B, 50, 095202, (2017) ArtCit Endnote


Ion pair dissociation of highly excited carbon clusters: size and charge effects

T. Launoy, K. Béroff, M. Chabot, G. Martinet, A. Le Padellec, T. Pino, S. Bouneau, N. Vaeck, J. Liévin, G. Féraud, J. Loreau, and T. Mahajan

Phys. Rev. A, 95(2), 022711, (2017) ArtCit Endnote



Time-dependent density functional theory molecular dynamics simulation of doubly charged uracil in gas phase

P. López-Tarifa, M.-A. Hervé du Penhoat, R. Vuilleumier, M.-P. Gaigeot, U. Rothlisberger, I. Tavernelli, A. Le Padellec, J.-P. Champeaux, M. Alcamí, P. Moretto-Capelle, F. Martín and M.-F. Politis

Cent. Eur. J. Phys, 12(2), 97, (2014), ArtCit Endnote



Introducing the CTA Concept

The CTA Consortium

Astroparticle Physics, 43, 3, (2013) ArtCit Endnote


Anion production in high-velocity cluster-atom collisions ; the electron capture process re-visited

K. Béroff, M. Chabot, G. Martinet, T. Pino, S. Bouneau, A. Le Padellec, G. Féraud, N. Dothi, F. Calvo, C. Bordas and F. Lépine

J. Phys. B, 46, 015201, (2013) ArtCit Endnote


The use of silicon-based photomultipliers for very high energy gamma ray astronomy: the optical issues

A. Cadu, A. Le Padellec, K. Jradi, D. Pellion and A.R. Bazer-Bachi

Exp. Astron., 35(3), 459, (2013) ArtCit Endnote


Fragmentation of multiply-charged hydrocarbon molecules CnHq+ (n = 4, q = 7) produced in high-velocity collisions: Branching Ratios and Kinetic Energy Release of the H+ fragment

K. Béroff, N.T. Van-Oanh, M. Chabot, T. Tuna, T. Pino, G. Martinet, A. Le Padellec, Y. Carpentier and L. Lavergne

Phys. Rev. A, 84(3), 032705, (2011) ArtCit Endnote


Design concepts for the Cherenkov Telescope Array CTA: an advanced facility for ground-based high-energy gamma-ray astronomy

The CTA Consortium

Exp. Astron., 32(3), 193, (2011) ArtCit Endnote


Ultrafast non-adiabatic fragmentation dynamics of doubly charged uracil in gas phase

P. Lopez-Tarifa, M.-A. Hervé du Penhoat, R. Vuilleumier, M.-P. Gaigeot, I. Tavernelli, A. Le Padellec, J.-P. Champeaux, M. Alcami, P. Moretto-Capelle, F. Martin and M.-F. Politis

Phys. Rev. Lett., 107(2), 023202, (2011) ArtCit Endnote


Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Model for Silicon Avalanche Geiger Mode Systems Design: Application to high sensitivity imaging systems

K. Jradi, D. Pellion, D. Esteve, J.-L. Boizard, A. Le Padellec and A.R. Bazer-Bachi

Nucl. Instr. Methods Phys. Res. Sec. A, 626, 77, (2011) ArtCit Endnote


Statistical Universal Branching Ratios for Cosmic Ray dissociation, photodissociation and dissociative recombination, of the Cn=2-10, Cn=2-4H and C3H2 neutral and cationic species

M. Chabot, T. Tuna, K. Béroff, T. Pino, A. Le Padellec, P. Desequelles, G. Martinet, V.O. Nguyen-Thi, Y. Carpentier, F. Le Petit, E. Roueff and V. Wakelam

Astron. Astrophys., 524 (16), A39, (2010) ArtCit Endnote


Geiger Avalanche Photodiodes as tentative light detectors for VHE gamma ray astronomy

D. Pellion, K. Jradi, A. Le Padellec, A. Rennane, F. Moutier, V. Borrel, D. Esteve, C.Magenc and A.R. Bazer-Bachi

Exp. Astron., 27(3), 187, (2010) ArtCit Endnote 


Competitive processes in the associative ionisation of C- with C+, N+, and O+

A. Le Padellec, J. Liévin, E.M. Staicu - Casagrande, T. Nzeyimana, E.A. Naji and X. Urbain

Phys. Rev. A, 78(6), 062705, (2008) ArtCit Endnote

Fragmentation branching ratios of highly excited hydrocarbon molecules CnH and their cations CnH+ (n<=4)

T. Tuna, M. Chabot, T. Pino, P. Désesquelles, A. Le Padellec, G. Martinet, M. Barat, B. Lucas, F. Mezdari, L. Montagnon, N.T. Van-Oanh, L. Lavergne, A. Lachaize, Y. Carpentier and K. Béroff

J. Chem. Phys., 128(12), 124312, (2008) ArtCit Endnote


Energetics and metastability of the adenine dication observed in proton to adenine collisions

P. Moretto - Capelle, A. Le Padellec, G. Brière, S. Massou and F. Franceries

J. Chem. Phys., 127(23), 234311, (2007) ArtCit Endnote


Electron spectroscopy in proton collisions with dry gas phase uracil base

P. Moretto - Capelle and A. Le Padellec

Phys. Rev. A, 74(6), 062705, (2006) ArtCit Endnote

Charge Transfer in high velocity collisions Cn+ + He

M. Chabot, G. Martinet, F. Medzari, S. Diaz - Tendero, K. Béroff - Wohrer, P. Désesquelles, S. Della - Negra, H. Hamrita, A. Le Padellec, T. Tuna, M. Barat, M. Simon and I. Ismaïl

J. Phys. B, 39(11), 2593, (2006) ArtCit Endnote

Fragmentation of small neutral carbon clusters

S. Diaz - Tendero, G. Sanchez, M. Alcami , F. Martin, P.A. Hervieux, M. Chabot, G. Martinet, F. Mezdari, K. Wohrer - Béroff , S. Della - Negra, H. Hamrita, A. Le Padellec and L. Montagnon

Int. J. Mass Spectrom., 252(2), 126, (2006) ArtCit Endnote

Reactive collisions between CH+ and O-

A. Le Padellec, E.M. Staicu - Casagrande, T. Nzeyimana, E.A Naji and X. Urbain

J. Chem. Phys., 124(15), 154304, (2006) ArtCit Endnote


Ionisation cross sections of small cationic carbon clusters in high energy collisions with helium atoms and stability of multiply charged species

F. Mezdari, K. Wohrer, M. Chabot, G. Martinet, S. Della - Negra, P. Désesquelles and A. Le Padellec

Phys. Rev. A, 72(3), 032707, (2005) ArtCit Endnote

Partial near threshold cross sections for the Associative Ionization to form CO+, NO+ and O2+

A. Le Padellec

Phys. Scripta, 71(6), 621, (2005) ArtCit Endnote


Abstraction and insertion mechanisms in reactive collisions between H2+ or D2+ and O-

E.M. Staicu - Casagrande, T. Nzeyimana, E.A Naji, N. de Ruette, B. Fabre, A. Le Padellec and X. Urbain

Eur.Phys.J.D, 31(3), 469, (2004) ArtCit Endnote

Fragmentation of highly excited small neutral carbon clusters

G. Martinet, S. Diaz - Tendero, M. Chabot, K. Wohrer , S. Della - Negra, F. Mezdari , H. Hamrita , P. Désesquelles, A. Le Padellec, D. Gardés, L. Lavergne, G. Lalu, X. Grave, J.F. Clavelin, P.A. Hervieux, M. Alcami and F. Martin

Phys. Rev. Lett., 93(6), 063401, (2004) ArtCit Endnote

Observation of an excited C42- ion

K. Fritioff, J. Sandström, P. Andersson, D. Hanstorp, F. Hellberg, R. Thomas, W. Geppert, M. Larsson, F. Osterdahl, G.F. Collins, A. Le Padellec, D.J. Pegg, N.D. Gibson, H. Danared and A. Källberg

J. Phys. B, 37(11), 2241, (2004) ArtCit Endnote

Relaxation of photoexcited Na3F

J.-M. L’Hermite, V. Blanchet, A. Le Padellec, B. Lamory and P. Labastie

Eur.Phys.J.D, 28(3), 361, (2004) ArtCit Endnote


Absolute High-Resolution Rate Coefficients for Dissociative Recombination of Electrons with HD+: Comparison of Results from Three Heavy Ion Storage Rings

A. Al - Khalili, S. Rosen, H. Danared, A.M. Derkatch, A. Källberg, M. Larsson, A. Le Padellec, A. Neau, J. Semaniak, R. Thomas, M. af Ugglas, L. Vikor, W. Zong, W.J. van der Zande, X. Urbain, M.J. Jensen, R.C. Bilodeau, O. Heber, H.B. Pedersen, C.P. Safvan, L. Andersen, M. Lange, J. Levin, G. Gwinner, L. Knoll, M. Scheffel, D. Schwalm, R. Wester, D. Zajfman and A. Wolf

Phys. Rev. A, 68(4), 042702, (2003) ArtCit Endnote

Electron-impact detachment of Cl-

K. Fritioff, D. Hanstorp, J. Sandström, A. Ehlerding, M. Larsson, G.F. Collins, D.J. Pegg, H. Danared, A. Källberg and A. Le Padellec

Phys. Rev. A, 68(1), 012712, (2003) ArtCit Endnote


Merged beam study of the associative ionisation O-+D+/O++D- and C++D-

E.A Naji, T. Nzeyimana, X. Urbain and A. Le Padellec

J. Phys.B, 35(21), 4325, (2002) ArtCit Endnote

Relative cross sections for the Electron Impact Single Detachment on Li-

A. Le Padellec, G.F. Collins, H. Danared, A. Källberg, F. Hellberg, K. Andersson, D. Hanstorp and M. Larsson

J. Phys. B, 35(17), 3669, (2002) ArtCit Endnote

Electric dipole moments and polarizabilities of single excess electron sodium fluoride clusters: Experiment and theory

D. Rayane, I. Compagnon, R. Antoine, M. Broyer, P. Dugourd, P. Labastie, J.-M. L’Hermite, A. Le Padellec, G. Durand, F. Calvo, F. Spiegelman and A.R. Allouche
J. Chem. Phys., 116(24), 10730, (2002) ArtCit Endnote

Merged beam study of the associative ionisation (C+, N+ and O+) + O-

T. Nzeyimana, E.A. Naji, X. Urbain and A. Le Padellec

Eur.Phys.J.D, 19(3), 315, (2002) ArtCit Endnote


Electron Impact Single Detachment on the F- ions using the heavy ion storage ring CRYRING: cross section determination

K. Andersson, D. Hanstorp, A. Neau, S. Rosén, H.T. Schmidt, R. Thomas, M. Larsson, J. Semaniak, F. Österdahl, H. Danared, A. Källberg and A. Le Padellec

Eur.Phys.J.D, 13(3), 323, (2001) ArtCit Endnote

Dissociative Recombination and Excitation of O2+ : Cross Sections, Product Yields and Implications for studies of ionospheric airglows

R. Peverall, S. Rosén, J.R. Peterson, M. Larsson, A. Al - Khalili, L. Vikor, J. Semaniak, R. Bobbenkamp, A. Le Padellec, and W.J. van der Zande

J. Chem. Phys., 114(15), 6679, (2001) ArtCit Endnote

Electron Impact Detachment and Dissociation on C4- anions in the heavy ion storage ring CRYRING

A. Le Padellec, D.J. Pegg, F. Rabilloud, A. Neau, F. Hellberg, R. Thomas, H.T. Schmidt, M. Larsson, K. Andersson, H. Danared, A. Källberg and D. Hanstorp

J. Chem. Phys., 115(23), 10671, (2001) ArtCit Endnote

Resonant ion pair formation in the recombination of NO+ with electrons: cross section determination

A. Le Padellec, N. Djuric, A. Al - Khalili, H. Danared, A.M. Derkatch, A. Neau, D.B. Popovic, S. Rosén, J. Semaniak, R. Thomas, M. af Ugglas, W. Zong, and M. Larsson

Phys. Rev. A, 64(1), 012702 (2001) ArtCit Endnote

Resonant ion pair formation and dissociative recombination in electron collisions with ground state HF+ ions

N. Djuric, G.H. Dunn, A. Al - Khalili, A.M. Derkatch, A. Neau, S. Rosen, W. Shi, L. Vikor, W. Zong, M. Larsson, A. Le Padellec, H. Danared and M. af Ugglas

Phys. Rev. A, 64(2), 022713 (2001) ArtCit Endnote

Electron scattering on CN-

A. Le Padellec, K. Andersson, D. Hanstorp, F. Hellberg, M. Larsson, A. Neau, S. Rosén, H.T. Schmidt, R. Thomas, J. Semaniak, D.J. Pegg, F. Österdahl, H. Danared and A. Källberg

Phys. Scripta, 64(5), 467, (2001) ArtCit Endnote


Dissociative Recombination of D3O+ and H3O+ : absolute cross sections ans branching ratios

A. Neau, A. Al - Khalili, S. Rosén, J. Semaniak, A. Le Padellec, A.M Derkatch, W. Shi, L. Vikor, M. Larsson, R. Thomas, M. Nagard, K. Andersson, H. Danared and M. af Ugglas.

J. Chem. Phys. 113(5), 1762, (2000) ArtCit Endnote

Resonant ion pair formation in electron collisions with HD+ and OH+

A. Larson, N. Djuric, W. Zong, C.H. Green, A.E. Orel, A. Al - Khalili, A.M. Derkatch, A. Le Padellec, A. Neau, S. Rosén, W. Shi, L. Vikor, H. Danared, M. af Ugglas, M. Larsson and G.H. Dunn, 

Phys. Rev. A, 62(4), 042707, (2000) ArtCit Endnote

Quantum chemical calculations for the Dissociative Recombination of HCN+ and HNC+

D. Talbi, A. Le Padellec and J.B.A. Mitchell 

J. Phys. B, 33(18), 3631, (2000) ArtCit Endnote


Branching fractions in dissociative recombination of the NH4+ and NH2+ molecular ions

L. Vikor, A. Al - Khalili, H. Danared, N. Djuric, G.H. Dunn, M. Larsson, A. Le Padellec, S. Rosén and M. af Ugglas

Astron. Astrophys., 344(3), 1027, (1999) ArtCit Endnote

Storage ring measurements of the dissociative recombination and excitation of the cyanogen ion CN+ (X 1S+ and A 3P, v=0)

A. Le Padellec, J.B.A. Mitchell, A. Al - Khalili, H. Danared, A. Källberg, Å. Larson, S. Rosén, M. af Ugglas, L. Vikor and M. Larsson

J. Chem. Phys., 110(2), 890, (1999) ArtCit Endnote

Merged beam measurement of the Dissociative Recombination of HCN+ and HNC+

C. Sheehan, A. Le Padellec, W.N. Lennard, D. Talbi and J.B.A. Mitchell

J. Phys. B, 32(14), 3347, (1999) ArtCit Endnote

Resonant ion pair formation in electron collisions with ground state molecular ions

W. Zong, G.H. Dunn, N. Djuric, M. Larsson, A. Al - Khalili, A. Neau, A.M. Derkatch, L. Vikor, W. Shi, A. Le Padellec, S. Rosén, H. Danared, and M. af Ugglas

Phys. Rev. Lett., 83(5), 951, (1999) ArtCit Endnote


Dissociative recombination and excitation of CH5+: absolute cross sections and branching fractions

J. Semaniak, Å. Larson, A. Le Padellec, C. Strömholm, M. Larsson, S. Rosén, R. Peverall, H. Danared, N. Djuric, G.H. Dunn and S. Datz

Astrophys. J., 498(2), 886, (1998) ArtCit Endnote

Branching fractions in dissociative recombination of CH2+

Å. Larson, A. Le Padellec, J. Semaniak, C. Strömholm, M. Larsson, S. Rosén, R. Peverall, H. Danared, N. Djuric, G.H. Dunn and S. Datz

Astrophys. J., 505(1), 459, (1998) ArtCit Endnote

Dissociative recombination and excitation of N2+ : cross sections and product branching ratios

J.R. Peterson, A. Le Padellec, H. Danared, G.H. Dunn, M. Larsson, Å. Larson, R. Peverall, C. Strömholm, S. Rosén, M. af Ugglas and W.J. van der Zande. 

J. Chem. Phys., 108(5), 1978, (1998) ArtCit Endnote

The dissociative recombination of CN+

A. Le Padellec, C. Sheehan and J.B.A. Mitchell

J. Phys. B, 31(8), 1725, (1998) ArtCit Endnote

New FALP-MS Measurements of H3+, D3+ and HCO+ Dissociative Recombination

S. Laubé, A. Le Padellec, O. Sidko, C. Rebrion - Rowe, J.B.A. Mitchell and B.R. Rowe

J. Phys. B, 31(9), 2111, (1998) ArtCit Endnote

Absolute cross sections and final state distributions for Dissociative Recombination and Excitation of CO+(v=0) using an ion storage ring

S. Rosén, R. Peverall, M. Larsson, A. Le Padellec, J. Semaniak, Å. Larson, C. Strömholm, W. Van der Zande, H. Danared and G.H. Dunn

Phys. Rev. A, 57(6), 4462, (1998) ArtCit Endnote

A Storage Ring study of the dissociative excitation and recombination of D3+

A. Le Padellec, M. Larsson, H. Danared, Å. Larson, J.R. Peterson, S. Rosén, J. Semaniak and C. Strömholm

Phys. Scripta, 57(2), 215, (1998) ArtCit Endnote


A merged beam study of the dissociative recombination of HCO+

A. Le Padellec, C. Sheehan, D. Talbi and J.B.A. Mitchell

J. Phys. B, 30(2), 319, (1997) ArtCit Endnote

The dissociative recombination of KrH+ and XeH+

A. Le Padellec, S. Laubé, O. Sidko, C. Rebrion - Rowe, B.R. Rowe, B. Sarpal and J.B.A. Mitchell

J. Phys. B, 30(4), 963, (1997) ArtCit Endnote

Isotope and electric field effects in dissociative recombination of D3+

M. Larsson, H. Danared, Å. Larson, A. Le Padellec, J.R. Peterson, S. Rosén, J. Semaniak and C. Strömholm

Phys. Rev. Lett., 79(3), 395, (1997) ArtCit Endnote


Dissociative recombination of HeH+ : a reexamination

F.B. Yousif, J.B.A. Mitchell, M. Rogelstad, A. Le Padellec, A. Canosa and M.I. Chibisov

Phys. Rev. A, 49(6), 4610, (1994) ArtCit Endnote


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