Articles publiés dans des (chapitres de) livres

Fragmentation of small carbon clusters
M. Chabot, F. Mezdari, G. Martinet, K. Wohrer - Béroff, S. Della Negra, P. Désesquelles, H. Hamrita, A. Le Padellec, L. Montagnon, S. Diaz - Tendero, M. Alcami, P.A. Hervieux and F. Martin
"Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions" - Proceedings of the XXIV International Conference - p.607

World scientific ISBN 981-270-412-4, Eds: Pablo D. Fainstein, Marco Aurelio P. Lima, Jorge E. Miraglia, Eduardo C. Montenegro et Roberto D. Rivarola ArtCit Endnote Papier

Vibrational relaxation of photoexcited Na3F
V. Blanchet, J.-M. L'Hermite, A. Le Padellec, B. Lamory and P. Labastie
“Femtochemistry and Femtobiology: Ultrafast Events in Molecular Science" - p.57
Elsevier Harbound, ISBN 0-444-51656-5, 2004, Eds:  Monique M. Martin et James T. Hynes ArtCit Endnote Papier

Studies of electron collisions with CN+, CN-, HCN+/HNC+
A. Le Padellec
“Dissociative Recombination of Molecular Ions with Electrons" - p.109
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers Harbound, ISBN 0-306-47765-3, Août 2003, Ed: Steven L. Guberman.
Chicago - Illinois - 26/30 Aôut 2001 ArtCit Endnote Papier

Merged beam studies of associative ionization
A. Le Padellec, X. Urbain, T. Nzeyimana and E.A. Naji
“Dissociative Recombination of Molecular Ions with Electrons" - p.343
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers Harbound, ISBN 0-306-47765-3, Août 2003, Ed: Steven L. Guberman.
Chicago - Illinois - 26/30 Aôut 2001 ArtCit Endnote Papier

Electron collisions with C4-: detachement process and resonant structure
A. Le Padellec, F. Rabilloud, D. Pegg, K. Andersson, D. Hanstorp, A. Neau, M. Larsson, F. Hellberg, and R. Thomas
“Dissociative Recombination of Molecular Ions with Electrons" - p.441
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers Harbound, ISBN 0-306-47765-3, Août 2003, Ed: Steven L. Guberman.
Chicago - Illinois - 26/30 Aôut 2001 ArtCit Endnote Papier

Electron scattering on negative ions in a storage ring
K. Andersson, D. Hanstorp, A. Neau, S. Rosen, H. Schmidt, J. Semaniak, R. Thomas, F. Hellberg, M. Larsson, A. Le Padellec and D.J. Pegg
"Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions" - Proceedings of the XXII International Conference - p.288
Rinton Press
ISBN 1-58949-018-5, Eds: Joachim Burgdörfer, James S. Cohen, Sheldon Datz et C. Randy Vane ArtCit Endnote Papier

The metastable fragmentation of silver bromide clusters
F. Rabilloud, A. Le Padellec, P. Labastie, J.-M. L'Hermite and F. Spiegelmann
"The Physics and Chemistry of Clusters " - p.292
World Scientific - ISBN 981-02-4529-7, Eds : E. Campbell et M. Larsson ArtCit Endnote Papier

Ionic fragment production in dissociative electron-molecular ion collisions
N. Djuric, W. Zong, C.H. Greene, G.H. Dunn, A. Al-Khalili, H. Danared, A.M. Derkatch, M. Larsson, A. Le Padellec, A. Neau, S. Rosén, W. Shi, L. Vikor and M. af Ugglas
"DISSOCIATIVE RECOMBINATION: Theory, Experiment and Applications IV" - p.56
World Scientific - ISBN - 981-02-4077-5, Eds: M. Larsson, J.B.A. Mitchell et I. Schneider Papier

Branching ratios in Dissociative Recombination measured in a storage ring
L. Vikor, A. Al-Khalili, H. Danared, N. Djuric, G.H. Dunn, M. Larsson, A. Le Padellec, S. Rosén and M. af Ugglas
"Applications of Accelerators in Research and Industry" - p.146
Springer Verlag ISBN - 9781563968259, Eds: J.L. Duggan et I.L. Morgan Papier

Branching fractions in dissociative recombination of NH4+ and NH2+ molecular ions
L. Vikor, A. Al-Khalili, H. Danared, N. Djuric, G.H. Dunn, M. Larsson, A. Le Padellec, S. Rosén and M. af Ugglas
"Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases - SPIG" - p.131
Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, Eds: N. Konjevic, M. Cuk et I.R. Videnovic Papier

Experimental studies of Dissociative Recombination of H3+, KrH+ and XeH+
A. Le Padellec, S. Laubé, C. Rebrion - Rowe, O. Sidko, J.C. Gomet and B. Rowe
"Proceedings Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics - SASP 96"
VDF Publishers - Zürick - ISBN - 3728-123-293, Eds: J.-P. Maier and M. Quack Papier